About Us
Our Profile
A venture of the Shroff group of companies. Excel Industries Ltd., Transpek Industry Ltd, Excel Crop Care Ltd., and others.
Focused on providing Innovative and Efficient products and services to improve agriculture & environment.
Our products are transBio-filter- A Waste Water Treatment Technology, Soil Testing Kit, Water Testing Kit, Bio-pesticides, Nutrient Foliar Sprays, Mobile & Stationary Labs.
About transBio-Filter
The concept is “Design with Nature” how to work cooperatively with nature, while at the same time learning the tools of modern science.
Bio-filter Technology is a synthesis process, which harnesses the energy, carbon and other elements of the waste and converts them to precious “Bio-nutritional” products like energy rich humus & bio-fertilizer and nutrient rich water.
The process utilizes the ability of the earthworms and beneficial microbes (transzyme) to break down organic waste present in the wastewater and transform it into worm-cast.

Accreditation of transBio-Filter Technology

Patent Application No. 201621036616.
Validation by ATIRA (Ahmedabad Textile Industry’s Research Association).
Technology Performance Report certified by Griffith University, Australia
What is Elysian Industries?
Elysian Industries has been founded with an ideology to make water treatment more sustainable and with a vision to be able to replace existing technologies with newer technologies but with an ideology to save costs in some form for the clients.
What does your Elysian provide?
We provide water treatment solutions and solid waste management solutions.
What solutions you provide?
We provide Trans Biofilter Technology based solutions and regular conventional technology based solutions like SBR etc. We also provide anaerobic treatment based digesters for solid wastes as well as liquid waste.
What is our vision and mission?
To change the conventional world towards a sustainable technology.
Which technologies do you provide at present?
Transbiofilter : Click the link to learn more.